As a team we have been able to accomplish a hefty amount of awards over the past few years and we hope you will join us to continue the growth of this great club!

We back each other up and help each other accomplish bigger things than we ever thought imaginable alone!

I got back into triathlon last year after a really long hiatus to check Ironman off the bucket list. The plan was that I’d do one and be done, but because of how awesome the Salt Lake Tri Club and its members are I’m hooked!

Being isolated from most clubs always made me fearful of joining, but as soon as I got involved, I realized that while I might train alone, people still track and support you. The encouragement from everyone led me take on longer races, with a 70.3 Ironman in the books and current training for the 140.6 race this summer. Even our rock stars speed demons take the time to encourage those of us mid to back of the pack. No Bee left behind!

In 2015 I did my first Half Ironman race (St George) with 15 other co workers. While this was a great experience and near the start of my Triathlon career, I did not know I was missing a huge component of racing. The mental hurdle and support of others.