The Wahoo Kickr in combination with Zwift has become my favorite training tool helping me accomplish more effective and efficient training efforts while also keeping things fun! Over the past few months, we have collected a bunch of great stories of Salt Lake Tri Club members utilizing their Kickr and I wanted to share those stories here.
Kristen Cambridge
So with the new wahoo order being announced, I am sure all of you who don’t have a kickr are wondering if it is worth the cost? Let me tell you it is! If you need to sell a kidney to buy one, do it! You really only need one kidney anyway. ha ha!
Seriously though, this little piece of technology has changed my life. For me it is a must have item. Training with power is a game changer! It has allowed me to train for an Ironman when my twins were one and my son was 3. There was no other way I could have gotten my training done and finished my race. My kids loved to hang out with me while I rode, and It allowed me to make amazing gains on the bike. I really noticed the difference during Ironman St. George 70.3. I felt like I could ride another 20 miles after I finished the bike and started the run. If you guys know anything about that course, you know it is not easy! So that showed me where my investment on the kickr was really paying off.
One of the things that I love about it, is this. I can get on my phone, open up the trainer road or zwift app, select my workout and hit start. It adjusts the resistance for me. I don’t have to think, I just ride, just like outdoors. Even though it is warm, I still like to ride inside at least once or twice a week, due to the functional gains I get from it. I do an FTP test every six weeks on trainer road, and then trainer automatically adjusts my wattage in all my workouts to my current FTP. This thing is magical! Another benefit, no more trainer tires needed!
The Kickr also has allowed me to keep riding through injuries. I suffered a grade 3 AC tear in my shoulder right before Oceanside. Even in a sling, I was back on my bike a week after my injury. I didn’t lose fitness, even though I wasn’t able to ride my bike out doors for another 2 months. Being able to continue to train while I was healing was key! It allowed me to be able to complete a half Ironman 4 months after my shoulder injury, which was a big deal! So trust me when I tell you. It is worth every penny!
Donate plasma, sweet talk your spouse into handing the credit card over after sex (yes, I really just said that), sell a kidney, get a second job, do whatever you can to get one of these bad boys. You will be so glad you did. You can thank me later. #wahookickr #kickrsrock #Iheartmykickr#SLTCmoment #Wahoofitness #saltlaketriclub
Andrew Hall
Always finding new ways to use the wahoo kicker, practiced race pace intervals on slope mode to get a feel for my race power. I would look away for 2-3 minutes and compare my power and be with in 1 watt! Feeling ready for the ironman 70.3 world championship next week. #wahoo
Felicia Borchert
Little Miss Reese joined me for a few minutes on my recovery ride today. She thought it was pretty fun!🤣Not going to lie, I miss being able to ride outside as much as I did last year. But luckily my Kickr allows me to train and play with my little family at the same time. In all actuality, it has definitely made me a stronger and better cyclist! Hands down one of my most favorite purchases ever!
Bryan Hansen
Someone asked me the other day what I do in the off season. Except for racing, I ride almost 100% indoors for training now. If I ride outside it is just for fun and not focus. Now that it is starting to get darker outside in the mornings I am reminded that my outdoor opportunities are fewer and fewer for the winter. I use a Wahoo Kickr for training indoors and it has made a huge difference my focus. Work smarter not longer (it does make it harder). Not to mention I love racing Zwift on it too. They announced a new climb model today that looks to be fun! If you need help getting one running, let me know! #zwift #wahookickr
Makinsie Bartholomew
With all the fires and smoke outside I couldn’t help but think about my wahoo kickr and how grateful I am to have this amazing thing! It let’s me train rain or shine, or… I guess in this case.. SMOKE
Training with power is the key to getting results and also being able to track them! This machine is worth every penny. It turns indoor rides into something interactive and not just cranking out mindless minutes on the trainer. You can plug in courses and specific workouts in to make it 100 times more exciting. To put it into perspective, my time limit on the basic trainer is 1 hour. My longest ride on the wahoo kickr is 12 hours (yes it hurt, no I don’t want to do it again anytime soon 😂
Also, did I mention you don’t have to fix flat tires or worry about hitting red lights?!
So if you’re into biking and want to get fast, this is for you.
Nate Last
Nate is a Mental Skills Trainer who works with the club and actually wrote up a bit about mental training using Zwift and how it had an impact on his training for his first 140.6 at Ironman Coeur d’Alene. His perspective is interesting because, as he states in his reflection of Ironman Coeur d’Alene, just because he is an expert in mental skills training, does not mean that training was easy by any means. I like how he mentioned the fact that he still had really hard days during training and was not above any kind of negative effect. Take a look at his article if you have a minute.